martes 8 de octubre 2024

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George Bee vuelve a San Juan, ahora para reactivar Pascua Lama <span id="_ctrl0_ctl96_lblModuleDetailHeadline" class="ModuleTitleText ModuleDetailHeadlineText" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font

El ejecutivo formó parte del exitoso equipo que puso en funcionamiento Veladero. Asumirá su nuevo cargo el 12 de septiembre.

Por Redacción Tiempo de San Juan

George Bee, ejecutivo de Barrick Gold, asumirá el 12 de setiembre su cargo de vicepresidente de Pascua Lama y Desarrollo del Distrito Frontera.

La firma explicó mediante un comunicado a inversionistas que la actuación  del ejecutivo tendrá su foco inmediato en hacer avanzar una opción de inicio en el proyecto Lama, el lado argentino de la paralizada iniciativa minera.

Una reciente evaluación de Barrick indica que un proyecto inicial, modesto, flexible en Lama, utilizando métodos de minería subterránea, puede representar la mejor opción para iniciar un plan de desarrollo por etapas.


Si tiene éxito, el flujo de caja de Lama podría ser utilizado para financiar el desarrollo adicional en ambos lados de la frontera.

"Del mismo modo que la mina Goldstrike se completó en etapas a lo largo del tiempo, vemos beneficios significativos al hacerlo con Pascua-Lama de la misma manera. Estamos seguros de que George tiene la capacidad de liderazgo, conocimientos técnicos y experiencia regional para desarrollar una opción de proyecto inicial convincente para Lama", dijo el presidente de Barrick, Kelvin Dushnisky.


 El comunicado oficial de la minera:

Barrick Announces Appointment of George Bee as Senior Vice President for Lama and Frontera District Development


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TORONTO, September 1, 2016 — Barrick Gold Corporation (NYSE:ABX)(TSX:ABX) (Barrick or the "company") today announced the appointment of George Bee as Senior Vice President for Lama and Frontera District Development, effective September 12.

Reporting to Chief Operating Officer Richard Williams, Mr. Bee's immediate focus will be on advancing a starter project option at Lama, on the Argentinean side of the Pascua-Lama project. Recent evaluation by the project team indicates that a modest, scalable starter project at Lama using underground mining methods may represent the best option to begin a phased development plan for Pascua-Lama. If successful, cash flow from Lama could be used to fund additional development on both sides of the border over time.

Mr. Bee will drive forward initial conceptual work completed by the project team to date, working closely with Argentina Executive Director, Juan Ordoñez, as well as the Pascua-Lama team in Chile, led by Sergio Fuentes, Executive Project Director, Pascua-Lama, and René Muga, Executive Director for Chile. The team in Chile will continue to focus on optimizing the Chilean components of the Pascua-Lama project, while working to address outstanding legal, regulatory, and permitting matters.

Mr. Bee has more than 30-years of experience operating and developing world-class mines and projects, including an eight-year tour with Barrick in Latin America during his 16-year service with the company. Having been part of the team that developed Goldstrike in phases between 1988 and 1995, he left Goldstrike as Mine Manager. Between 1998 and 2007, he returned to Barrick to complete the construction of the Pierina mine, and continued as Operations Manager until being reassigned to Chile and Argentina. As General Manager, he formed and led the team responsible for the successful development of the Veladero mine in 2005. After leaving Barrick, he became President and CEO of Andina Minerals, before moving on to become CEO at Jaguar Mining.

"Just as the Goldstrike mine was completed in stages over time, we see significant benefits to approaching Pascua-Lama in the same way. We are confident that George has the leadership capabilities, technical expertise, and regional experience to develop a compelling starter project option for Lama," said Barrick President Kelvin Dushnisky.

As work on a Lama starter option advances, Mr. Bee will also begin developing an integrated development plan for the Frontera District, a 140-kilometer stretch of highly prospective land on the El Indio belt controlled by Barrick.

"In order to maximize the growth potential of this district, including Pascua-Lama, Alturas and other potential new discoveries, we believe it is critical to have an integrated, long-term strategic plan for the region," added Mr. Dushnisky.

Tiempo de San Juan


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